We all face challenges in life. Just like in the best told stories, our lives have patterns. In his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell spoke about one such pattern as the Hero's Journey. ...
This story stirs something in many of us. It speaks to the tension between societal expectations and the true, wild nature that lies deep within all of us. ...
In this wonderful podcast episode from This Jungian Life, the three analysts, Lisa Marciano, Deborah Stewart and Joseph Lee explore the story of the selkie....
The charming art form, known as Kintsugi translates as "golden joinery," a practice that takes a seemingly catastrophic event - the breaking of a cherished piece - and transforms it into something uniquely beautiful. ...
Michael Mead, mythologist, author and storyteller uses myth to help us understand and navigate the modern world. One story he tells, is an African story called “Maggots and Gold”:...