03 Mar Artist Date Ideas in Brighton & Hove
Ideas for Artist Dates in Brighton & H...
Phone: 07870 631253
Ideas for Artist Dates in Brighton & H...
An Artist Date is a solo, playful, creative excursion designed to refill your well of inspiration....
Rather than treating anger as an enemy, we can learn to work with it, honouring it as a guide...
Therapy is, at its heart, a place to explore change. But what exactly does “change” mean in therapy?...
"The middle passage" is marked by a profound re-evaluation of life's meaning, purpose, and direction....
Anger is a natural emotion. It’s something everyone feels at some point. But anger often gets a bad reputation....
In our everyday lives, we often hear about triggers. But there's another side to this. Glimmers...
Many of us struggle with, and try to avoid, conflict. And yet conflict seems to be a fact of life and part of the human experience....
Terry Real, therapist and author known for his work in relational therapy, offers a simple way to explore how we may show up in life and in relationships. ...
When people start working with me to explore the impact of having been to boarding school, one of the first recommendations I often make, is to watch The Making of Them. ...